Anti Local Ban sXe All

Tired of worrying about if you banean by local and you can not re-enter more into "that" server? Here I give you two ways of circumventing this ban so annoying for us that we want to play quietly or simply those who want to bother the admins / players without worrying Language

    What is Local Ban?

      The Local sXe Ban is a ban based on hardware ID (HID), each computer has a unique hardware configuration, this information is used to get the HID of each player.
        To put it in Creole, is a ban of HID. The HID is an identification of each unit volume of your hard drive. For example, the IP address of your Internet connection would be like your home address, and the HID would like your document number. Fortunately, as in real life, you can fake / change the document / HID if desired.

          PB Downforce:

            This application is used to spoof or hide the volume ID number of your unit or hardware ID (HID) and so to enter where you banearon servers per location.
              How to use:
                1. I unzip anywhere (eg on the desktop.) And open PBDownForce.exe.

                  2. A window opens. Below are two options, click on the first when enabled.

                    3. Then in the second window click on the button "Start spoofing" and leave it so, not close.
                      4. Ready, open the sxe-I, open cs and it can enter the servers where banearon!
                        If you ban them again or do not work, they can try other numbers. Click "Show advanced options" and the scroll bar next to where it says "Seed" can change that number by another and keep trying.

                          Me for example I went with the default number with which it has (400), and the first time I tried it I thought it was not walking. But when I put a smaller number (401) and I tried, I could enter the server where I had been banned.
                            When you want to be close the program when not using it more and it is not going to hide more ID.
                                Download Link-1
                                  Download Link-2

                                      Hard Disk Serial Number Changer:
                                        This tool involves a little more work, but it is much better than PB Downforce (PBDF). above what it does is hide the number of ID, but that it does is change it directly. There are some servers where PBDF spoof does not work. The ban local common not even let you see the server, as if dropped. But there is another local ban that lets you view and to enter the server, but the second two kicks and gives you the message "kicked: YOU ARE BANNED Locally!". For the local ban on PBDF did not work, but this tool.
                                          How to use:

                                            1. Close all open programs and open the program.
                                              Note: We will open a window of error. When you open the program seeks to identify the ID of the drive, but can not because it does not and why this error. It's normal, I too throws it away. Just give "Ok" and go to the program.

                                                2. In the window of the program, "Disk (Hard / Floppy)", click on the dropdown list and choose the drive where CS is installed (usually C:).

                                                  3. Then in "Serial Number" in the table are going to see a number, that is the ID number of that unit. What they have to do is change any number / letter of it. For example, if the number of C: is C87B-F93A, can change a number or letter either to be different (eg. C87B-C17B-F93B and F93A). Know that this in hexadecimal, so you can only change one letter or number by numbers 0 through 9 and letters from A to F. Any other letter is invalid.

                                                    4. When they changed the number, click "Change", a confirmation will appear, click "Yes" and you will be asked to reboot the PC, so do it!

                                                      5. Once restarted, open the sxe-I, the CS and you can enter all the servers where they have banned!
                                                        If banean again, do all the steps to change the ID back and ready!
                                                            Download Link-1
                                                              Download Link-2

                                                                  LOCAL ANTI BAN - Remove any local ban does work with all

                                                                      Download Link-1
                                                                        Download Link-2


                                                                        1. Anonymous said...:

                                                                          bless U man..=D
                                                                          any place to get the pbdownforce keys..for free that is?..

                                                                        1. Jellybeanxz said...:

                                                                          why do i encounter Error: Communication fail?

                                                                        1. Anonymous said...:

                                                                          when ever i start spoofing my cOmputer gets restart ! why ? plxxx tell me sOmething !

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