In-server Commands

Note: This is for in-server AMX commands; it works with most AMX mods.
1. You and your commands.
Commands are how you do every single thing as an admin, with two exceptions. First, pull up the console with the squiggly (~,`) to the right of the 1. This is where you put everything. To learn your commands, there is a handy tool called amx_help, put that in there and it will give you a page of 10 commands. Depending on
how many privileges you have, there will be about 6 pages, reach each one by type any of these in console amx_help, amx_help 11, amx_help 21, amx_help 31, amx_help 41, amx_help 51, amx_help 61. Usually you would have to search thru all the pages for what you need, but I have them all right here:
----- AMX Mod X Help: Commands -----
1: admin_loadskills -Loads a saved set of skills
2: admin_loadxp -Debug cmd for testing load data from vault routine
3: admin_showxp -Admin Cmd: Displays a player's XP
4: amx_addadmin [password] - automatically add specified player as an admin to users.ini
5: amx_addban [reason]
6: amx_ban [reason]
7: amx_banip [reason]
8: amx_banmenu - displays ban menu
9: amx_cancelvote - cancels last vote
10: amx_cfg
Amx_help 11
11: amx_cfgmenu - displays configs menu
12: amx_chat - sends message to admins
13: amx_clcmdmenu - displays client cmds menu
14: amx_cmdmenu - displays commands menu
15: amx_csay - sends center hud message to all players
16: amx_cvar [value]
17: amx_cvarmenu - displays cvars menu
18: amx_dice : Turns dice games on or off.
19: amx_help [nr of cmds (only for server)] - displays this help
20: amx_kick [reason]
Amx_help 21
21: amx_kickmenu - displays kick menu
22: amx_langmenu
23: amx_leave [tag] [tag] [tag]
24: amx_map
25: amx_mapmenu - displays changelevel menu
26: amx_menu - displays menus available to client
27: amx_nick
28: amx_off - pauses some plugins
29: amx_on - unpauses some plugins
30: amx_pause - pause or unpause the game
Amx_help 31
31: amx_pausecfg - list commands for pause/unpause managment
32: amx_pausecfgmenu - pause/unpause plugins with menu
33: amx_psay - sends private message
34: amx_rcon
35: amx_reloadadmins
36: amx_say - sends message to all players
37: amx_setlang
38: amx_slap [power]
39: amx_slapmenu - displays slap/slay menu
40: amx_slay
Amx_help 41
41: amx_spank2
42: amx_speechmenu - displays speech menu
43: amx_statscfg - displays help for stats configuration
44: amx_statscfgmenu - displays stats configuration menu
45: amx_teammenu - displays team menu
46: amx_tsay - sends left side hud message to all players
47: amx_unban
48: amx_vote
49: amx_voteban
50: amx_votekick
Amx_help 51
51: amx_votemap [map] [map] [map]
52: amx_votemapmenu - displays votemap menu
53: amxmodmenu - displays menus
54: debug_info -Dumps some debug info to the admin
55: debuginfo -Dumps some time debug info to the admin
56: loc -Displays your coordinate location
57: say @ - displays hud message
58: say nextmap - displays nextmap
59: say thetime - displays current
60: say timeleft - displays timeleft
61: say_team @ - displays message to admins
2. Using Commands.
First of all is the quotation marks, you need them around any command over one words.
Amx_vote pray is teh rockzors yes no – this would show up as…
Correct form
Amx_vote "pray is teh rockzors” yes no
Notice, "yes” and "no” did not have quotation marks. You need them around any "set” of commands as in any that are directly related
Amx_tsay red "pray is teh rockzors”
Amx_nick "pray n spray” "the loser”
3. Binding
Binding is a useful tool for doing something you plan on doing often, its mostly the same as binding anything else, but you need quotation marks around the whole thing.
Wrong Uses:
Bind f amx_tsay pray is teh rockzors yes no
Bind f amx_tsay "pray is teh rockzors” yes no
Correct Form
Bind f "amx_tsay pray is the rockzors yes no”
4. Getting you message out.
There are many ways to get your message to the whole server, or just other admin.
They are; amx_tsay, amx_csay, amx_psay, amx_chat.
First off is amx_tsay, this is the most commonly used to get the whole servers attention. This shows the message abit above where the regular type is, in big letters and the color you choose.
Ex: amx_tsay red "pray is teh rockzors”
The color goes before the message, outside the quotation marks, the colors you can use are: white (default), red, gold, maroon, blue, cyan, yellow, and green.
There is another way to use tsay, simply open "say” (y) and type @ (no space between say) then the first letter of the color u want (no space) then your message.
Wrong Uses:
Say: @rPray is teh rockzors
Say:@redPray is teh rockzors
Correct Forms:
Say:@rPray is teh rockzors
Say:@r Pray is teh rockzors
Note: Remember the "Say:” is what you get when you press (y) in other words, you don’t have to go into console. This way is usually faster.
If you try @m (which is maroon) you would not get maroon, but a purplish color, get maroon thru the console command, and the purple color thru say.
Second is amx_csay this is used exactly the same as tsay but it appears in a different position, above your crosshairs, about halfway between your cross hairs and the top of your monitor.
Amx_csay maroon "pray is teh rockzors”
Amx_chat is sent to only admins, and like amx_tsay, there is a non-console say to do it. This appears as regular text, but with an (ADMIN) next to it.
Ex: amx_chat "look at pray, hes such a haxor”
The non-console version is the same as amx_tsay but instead of say, you put it in team say (u)
Ex: Team_say:@ Look at that hacker
Note: color isn’t used here.
Amx_psay is how to privately send a message to one person.
Amx_psay player "stop haxoring”
Remember quotes if more then 2 words!!
4. Other Notes, Tips, Tricks…
a. Wanna spam in console? Pressing the "up” arrow with bring up the last thing you entered in the console.
b. You don’t always need "yes” and "no” for the answers in amx_vote,
Ex: amx_vote "pray is teh rockzors” "no wayyy” nahhhhh
Remember, quotations if more then one word!
c. For anything that requires the name of the person you want to affect, you don’t need the whole name, just a part of his/her name that’s unique to the people in the server,
you don’t need amx_slap pray-n-spray, amx_slap pray will work if no one else in the server has "pray” in there name.
d. Yes, amx_ban yourname, will perma ban u!!!!!!
e. Amx_leave, will kick all users without the specific tag you put, I recommend not using unless told to.


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